Tears and tenaciousness

I have been absent from my own site but I have not stopped working. My mother died last month and I have focused my energy on my clients and radio work. While this has been a terrible loss to me and my family, I have learned so much in my professional career I want to share.

First, most people understand when you are going through something as hard as the death of a parent. I was almost afraid to tell clients for fear they would drop me. That did not happen.

Second, I may have overcommunicated what was happening during this time but I think it was important. My clients knew when I would be in and out of the office and how I was coping. Some days I just couldn’t focus.

Third, I always try to stay a few days ahead of deadlines. This discipline kept me from getting too far behind during this time.

While I cried, and still do at times, I also remained tenaciousĀ in my goals for myself and my clients.Tears and tenaciousness are an odd couple but they get me through my days.